Your Art Matters


Your art is important, not because it is technically brilliant, not because it sells for thousands of dollars, it’s value has nothing to do with whether other people ever see it or not. Your art matters because it is how you connect to and express your truth, and that is everything.

Do you ever feel that while you love your family, you feel your own sense of self slipping away? 

Do you quickly volunteer your time for friends, family, community, and feel like you never have a moment to yourself?

Does it seem selfish to ask for what you want? Do you even know what you want?

Do you easily spend money on classes, programs and enrichment for your children but scrimp on yourself?

Are you newly sober and just feeling bored with life?

Do you collect art supplies, articles or websites/pinterest boards  for when you have more time?

Do you miss writing, drawing, knitting, or other creative outlets you used to have? 

Alchemy Recovery is about connecting with our true nature and reclaiming our lives through creative practices. 

Unused creativity is not benign–it metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame. We are creative beings. We are by nature creative.
— Brene Brown