At the Water's Edge

Ten years ago I was sitting at the edge of a lake, looking out into the calm blue waters and still waiting for the whisper. And I heard it, but it wasn’t what I’d hoped for. The voice in my head said “You did what you were supposed to do, is this all there is? I immediately felt guilty. This is a lot! I should be grateful for this. I have a supportive partner, two healthy kids, a home, I’m on vacation! This is comfortable and healthy and I am lucky! But the voice wouldn’t go away. I had done all the things and yet still, I could sense that what was missing from my life was me. Soon after that I found The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and while I never dared to call myself an artist before, her teaching was about creating a practice of connecting to my creativity and that practice has grown and morphed and become an opening of joy, connection and self-expression. It has shown me, me.