
WEEK 3 Click HERE for a video of this page in the making.

“To feel a sense of inner peace, calm, contentment, and serenity;
to have harmonious relationships; and to have equilibrium in all areas of life.”

Well… wouldn’t that be something??? Is this a real thing? Equilibrium in all areas of life?? If you know how to have this, please let me know ASAP!

So I did what I do when things make no sense to me, I sit with it, and then I thought, what would harmony look like on the page. After drawing it out (you can watch a quick video here) I could see that harmony is when different elements/colors work together, yet also have their own unique color/qualities. They are moving in the same direction together, but that direction is not necessarily linear, and can even cross over other expressions and create a sense of tension or chaos. There can be chaos and harmony at the same time! This feels more like real life to me.

Well, I guess that makes it an inside job then…  Where do I find harmony in my daily life? The sense of inner peace, calm, contentment and serenity? Sitting in my blue chair by the fireplace… I think I feel it there sometimes. Early in the morning before anyone else is awake, and I’m still in a hazy half-sleep, but harmony feels more alive than this. It feels like everything is working, awake, doing it’s best and working together, not that half of the pieces are still sleeping…

This idea of equilibrium brings me back to the surfboard of life. The waves are coming and sometimes they’re just little blips and sometimes their tsunamis and sometimes it’s fun to ride them and sometimes they knock you off your board and your bikini top too. They leave you choking on water and salt in your eyes. This feels more like my reality than harmony. And yet there are still moments, or even joy in working for it.

At first harmony as a value seemed lofty and impossible, but funny thing, the more I sat with it, or having it top of mind this week I also listened to a podcast “We Can Do Hard Things” that was focused on Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a way of understanding our choices and often conflicts within ourselves. Do you ever react in a way that feels unlike the way you want to? Do you have inner conflict resulting in confusion and frustration? Valuing harmony would mean then that we make room for understanding the different aspects of who we are, that we let them do their part, but we work towards the same end goal.

Harmony is when all of the parts of us are moving in the same direction, together. It’s when our will is united, in magic they say that is the only way to get things done. Unite the shadow and the light, conscious and unconscious. And YES, this type of harmony is actually something I have been working on for years. When the part of me that wants to resist what another part of my desires deeply, I have work to do I turn to my coach, and that work can result in harmony, if even momentarily, and it’s a sweet sweet sound.

So to this effect, harmony as a value can be served by coaching. That’s what we do. We make space to listen to the different voices/ideas/opinions that are inside of us and we give theme a place to be heard. And in this way, we are able to move forward in peace, calm and contentment.

Book a call, let’s see where you can create a little more harmony in your day to day. Click Here for my calendar.