After a series of unfortunate events, I made a pact with myself that after my upcoming birthday in March, I was going to take a long break from drinking. I knew I needed some space and time to catch up, rest and re-center myself. And while I told others this was just "a long break" I knew in my heart it would be forever.
I worked with a coach during the first month, to have the attention and space to talk things through and have my thoughts around drinking challenged and have someone who knew that an alcohol free life was possible for me, even when I didn't, was priceless.
Drinking had been my major way of connecting socially since I was a teenager. All of my adult life, and really even before, I had equated good times, relaxation and connection with a drink in hand. It was nearly impossible for me to imagine a birthday, the beach, or a ski vacation alcohol-free.
The coach helped me find solid new beliefs that I could practice operating out of.
And as my mind quieted down from all of the resistance, I began to hear the small, quiet voice inside that nudged me along. And that voice had a desire to create. That voice didn't think it was too late to learn something new, or that I was doomed. That voice connected me with the #100day project.
And this is what I didn't put together until that meeting earlier this week. The 100 day project started exactly one month after I had quit drinking. That 100 day project gave me something to focus on, and not only that, but connected me with other creatives around the glove and also in my own neighborhood.
I shocked myself when I actually completed the 100 days without missing even one! Who knew I had that in me?? I also know that if I had been having a glass of wine in the evening to unwind, or having drinks at a party, I wouldn't have had the bandwidth to follow through.
I started to reclaim the energy I was losing and put it into something new. I made wobbly, terrible sketches and shared them publicly! Every day for over 3 months!!
That small voice that I couldn't hear before, was now leading me on a whole new adventure. I can't even count the connections, friendships and inspiration that have blossomed from that first 100 day project.